Marvel Villainous Wiki

Reality Stone is an Item and Specialty used by Thanos and other Villains.


  • No Clarifications.


The best Stone for Thanos. You will have to perform a lot of Vanquishing, and conserving your Allies in the location of a Stone is crucial. Of course, you will need Death's Favor or at least Sanctuary II cleared.

Other Villains may also have great use of this Stone:

  • Hela can defeat an impeding character at Odin's Vault, and keep her Allies for her winning condition.
  • Ultron can save Sentries and still unlock some top actions.
  • Taskmaster is obviously a great beneficiary of this Stone, as he wants to keep his strong Allies in play.
  • Killmonger has other options to defeat, but can still profit of this, saving some power.
  • Loki can save some useful Allies, or some power not having to play Frost Giants all over again.
  • Madame Masque is obviously very interested in possesing this Stone. Allies in play is all she needs.
  • M.O.D.O.K. needs some Allies and desperately needs another way to vanquish than his blockable action in A.I.M. Laboratory.
  • Venom has other ways to keep his Allies in play, but one more is still good.
  • Doctor Octopus needs a clear board for 2 of his Schemes and his Allies in play for another one. With his Items, this Stone can provide a Vanquish action in any location.
  • Titania may use her Allies early in the game to defeat stronger Heroes and progress, later she needs their abilities, except for Volcana.
  • Kang the Conqueror has less need of this Stone.

Identical Tiles/Card[]


Sanctuary IITitanThe Infinity WellKnowhere

Villain deck
5 Copies: The Legions of Thanos
4 Copies: Consult the Well
3 Copies: A Small Price to PayDeath's FavorTaste Of Cosmic Power
2 Copies: Deliver JudgmentThe Mad TitanWarp Reality
1 Copy: Black DwarfBlack SwanCorvus GlaiveEbony MawProxima MidnightSpace Throne

Infinity Stones:
Mind StonePower StoneReality StoneSoul StoneSpace StoneTime Stone

Fate deck
3 Copies: A Stone is FoundWhat Did it Cost?
1 Copy: Adam WarlockDrax the DestroyerGamoraNebulaSacrifices Must Be Made
